Contact us

Ask for your budget by filling out the form

Contact Minerals&Fillers to make budgets that can cover your needs in relation to our products. If you have any doubts, you can make technical consultations or request more information about products.



* “In name of the company we treat the information you have provided with the purpose of sending publicity related to our products and services by any means ( via post, e-mail, telephone) and inviting you to events organized by the company. The information provided will be kept as long as the relationship continues. The data will not be forwarded to third parties except in cases of legal obligation. You are entitled to obtain information if whether in Sercalia, S.L. we are treating your personal information, reason for which you have a right to access your personal data, rectify inexact information or request their elimination when they are no longer needed for the purpose for which it was required.” * This field is required.

2 + 14 =

Office and Postal Address

Casp, 116, Ppal, 4ª

08013 BARCELONA – Spain
Tel +34 93 453 14 11


08213 POLINYÀ (Barcelona) – Spain


Sercalia - MineralsFillers
Minerals & Fillers is a service that belongs to Sercalia
